Birria Tacos

Picture of Birria Tacos



  1. Cut inside round beef roast into 3-inch pieces.  
  2. Combine beef pieces, onion, 1 head of garlic, salt and bay leaves into a pot with 8 cups water. Boil on medium-high heat for 2 hours. Skim off fat that floats to top.
  3. In a separate pan, heat up vegetable oil. Add guajillo peppers, Chiles de Arbol, and 1 head of garlic. Cook until fragrant, stirring frequently so peppers don’t burn.  
  4. Transfer cooked pepper mixture into blender. Add peppercorns, whole cloves, 2 cups water and the onion from the pot of beef. Blend until smooth.  
  5. Strain into pot of beef. Thin sauce with minimal water to pass through strainer, if needed. Only pulp from peppers should remain.  
  6. Add oregano, thyme, cumin and beef/chicken bouillon.  
  7. Cover and simmer on low heat for 1 1/2 hours or until meat is tender.  
  8. Dip La Cocina tortilla into broth and place on skillet. Add mozzarella and beef. Add additional mozzarella on top. Fry over low heat until the cheese is melted.  
  9. Dip cooked tacos in broth and enjoy!